From a Thankful Veteran on Veterans Day

From a Thankful Veteran I am grateful for my time as a service member and for the service of every man and woman who has ever put on the uniform of the US armed forces. It is due to the sacrifice of these warriors that we can enjoy the rights and liberties we do free […]
Sourdough Naan

Bread always evokes warm memories of my travels and experiences around the world. Naan, a flatbread native to the Middle East and India, is no different. Naan takes me back to Afghanistan for both of my deployments. While, yes, it was a war and, yes, it was a very terrible situation to be in, not every moment […]
Sourdough Whole Wheat English Muffins…Absolutely addictive!

In an attempt to turn our home into purgatory during this coronavirus epidemic, I’ve been using the extra time to experiment with recipes that I might not normally have the time or patience to try. I recently shared on our social media pages that with the help of my 9-year-old son and favorite kitchen assistant, […]
Sourdough Starter It’s ALIVE! Mwah ah ah!

Since shutting ourselves in a couple weeks ago I decided to try my hand at baking up some homemade versions of my favorite breads. I had a little time on my hands and thought the family could use the special treats to lighten the mood a bit during these uncertain times. When we look back […]
How to make Dalgona Coffee, the latest DIY coffee craze spreading the web.

How to make Dalgona Coffee, the latest DIY coffee craze spreading the web. Trapped indoors and locked out of their favorite coffee house, many shut-ins have discovered a great new coffee creation they can do at home while practicing their social standoff. What’s this drink getting all the attention and trending on with millions of […]
Chermoula Chicken with Orange Wild Rice

This incredibly flavorful dish with Moroccan and Indian flair is also super healthy! Packed with a bouquet of flavors, citrus, herbs, and textures; this plate has it all! An adventure for your tastebuds ! …and, did I mention?… It’s healthy! Another holiday season is behind us, and so is the excuse behind hearty comfort food […]
FA LA LA LA LOVE Your Turkey This Year!

No matter how you cook your turkey, roast, smoke, deep fry, whatever, soak it first in this turkey brine. This brine locks in moisture for a plump and juicy bird. Plus, it pre-seasons the turkey so you don’t really need to later! Ever since I could remember the whole family would pack up and go […]
OH WHAT YUM! Our Egg Nog Recipe!

Make your holiday party jolly with the most delicious egg nog recipe ever! I can’t stand waiting all year to make this myself. If you’ve never had fresh made nog and only the store bought kind, you’re truly missing out. Yields about 6-7 cups or about one pitcher. Ingredients •4 eggs, yolks and whites divided •1/3C […]
Hello, New York City!

Hello, Friends! What an incredible time McKayla, the twins, Grandma Janet, and I have been having in New York City! Our family along with a handful of other home recipients were invited to join Building Homes for Heroes at their annual gala, and it has been a spectacular couple days! We started off a very special Veterans Day […]
Chocolate and Wine Pairing

Chocolate and wine may just be the most perfect and decadent combo, but be careful. Putting a mismatched pair of these two strong personalities together could lead to disaster! Following a few key tips could lead to an exquisite symphony of complementary flavors and not a no-holds barred battle for dominance over your tastebuds. Chocolate […]